I Fight Brain Tumors


On behalf of Gloria Hoagland and her family we always knew she was a “star” and didn’t take life too seriously and likes avocados. We just didn’t know all the stars (and the avocado) would align so perfectly and make guacamole on the beautiful sunny day of Sunday, Oct 2, 2016.

As many of you know, Gloria experienced a seizure (the guacamole phase) on Sunday, Oct 2, 2016 after sinking a beautiful 20 foot putt while enjoying a day of golf with her Husband, Charles (and those two other perfect strangers golf courses like to pair you with).

Due to the quick actions of the her Husband, the EMS team, those two other golfers and Doctors involved Gloria received the immediate medical care she needed.

After Sleeping Beauty awoke from a long weeks nap it was discovered that inside her brain (not surprising though) she had a STAR the size of a small avocado. And if we want to get technical, which Gloria rarely wants to do…an “Astrocytoma, grade II”, given it’s name for the supportive cells of the brain and their star-like shape, isn’t that fancy?!?

I’m sure you’re thinking, how did she or how will she do it all now with a star the size of a small avocado in her brain?

Is her head bigger? Had she never noticed? Will she have to buy bigger hats?

You will be relieved to know those great Doctors removed some star particles during her Sleeping Beauty phase and her expert team of Doctors are going to zap the rest away while Gloria takes 20 mins naps listening to her choice of “calm” music while laser dance swirling in her head. Thank goodness for modern medicine. As long as she doesn’t have to wear that backless, shapeless, styleless thing they call a gown….AGAIN!!!

Gloria and Charles’ daughter have volunteered to become her new hair stylist/colorist (Kate’s voting rainbow &Gloria agrees), continual life dance partner, expert snuggler and #1 life cheerleader while singing “We are family, I got ev’rybody I need!!” during this new phase and Gloria considers this an honor.

Now, here’s where Gloria needs you!!! Gloria needs you to go live life FULL OUT, LOVE HARD, LAUGH HARDER, HUG MORE, HELP OTHERS, BE KIND, SMILE AND DON’T WASTE A SINGLE SECOND NOT BEING HAPPY! Cause this is what Gloria has been doing for 33 years and plans to keep livin, lovin and dancing for 99+ more!

You thought the saying was, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But it is actually, “When life gives you an avocado in your brain, add some stars, zap that thing out, make guacamole and have a dance party!”….Dance party invitation to follow.

Gloria and her family are very thankful for all the cares and concerns over the last couple weeks. She is still asking for everyone to please respect her privacy at this time, as she and her family get ready for this new chapter. With her family, friends, and a great team of doctors by her side, Gloria is ready to squash the avocado while doing lots of resting.

Gloria wants you to know she appreciates and understands that you may want to reach out to her, but she is asking to please give her some space and let her rest at this time to be fully prepared for the most EPIC dance party of 2017!

If you would like to help with a meal, GC, comic books for Kate, etc that would be greatly appreciated, please contact her agent 😉

Courtney Magness: courtneymagness@gmail.com for further information.