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Living an “Option B” life…happily!

It is chemo week. Again. Every 21 days is another round of chemo all of 2017.  That can be a blessing or a curse, it’s how you choose to look at it. Each passing day I get a bit more tired but will regain my strength next week. Below are some things I am reading…

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Unicorn Frappuccino….Truth Bomb!

2017-04-19 16.11.31

So I had a Unicorn Frappuccino yesterday and so did my child. Gasp! Why? You ask. I ask you why not? Why not indulge sometimes? Why not stand in a 30 min line talking to your middle school child, when some days they say nothing at all? Why not, when we drink soda, smoke cigarettes,…

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The next step, a hospital stay.


After an uneventful two days of electrodes and cool fanny pack last week my Doctors now recommend they do more intense monitoring of my seizures. So that includes another round of electrodes and 24/7 video monitoring in the hospital for 3-5 days starting May 1. And let’s not forget the hospital gown. Though they did…

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Seizure Monitoring

EEG Machine

It’s been an eventful week. We got a sudden call Wednesday that I should come in for an EEG seizure monitoring device. It’s was an interesting process and I got a cool fanny pack. I get the 25 electrodes off today and they will read the reports. The next step as of right now is…

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Don’t let brain cancer and seizures get you down!


A trip to Home Depot was fun to get out. New bulbs for the front porch light and new parts for the toilet. I made all the repairs by myself. Wahoo! Donate Here

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March MRI with good results


Yesterday was my March MRI and it was great! More surprising reduction in my tumor. Even the Dr can’t believe it. Thank you all for the positive vibes and well wishes and prayers, they are working. I will have another MRI in May. I start my 3rd round of chemo this coming Monday for a…

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Motivation Monday

2017-02-05 09.56.33

Motivation Monday provided and written by Enmotive. Gloria Hoagland, 33, has been participating in races for years, but this year’s Hot Chocolate 15k/5k in Dallas was especially important. After suffering a grand mal seizure on October 2, 2016, Gloria was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. Hot Chocolate Dallas was her first race since her diagnosis;…

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It’s not all negative!


In case you were wondering what terminal brain cancer looks like on the daily. Matter of perspective. #enjoylife #hugmore #bekind #forgivemore #lovemore #chemo Celebrating Kate’s swim meet and moving to the Silver Team! Way to go Kate! Save Save

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