The reality of cancer…


The reality of cancer is really interesting hair dos but thanks to Snapchat filters I have great make up. I am on my last few days of radiation and first round of chemo wrapping up 6 weeks. I have been feeling good and just having some occasional tiredness. Charles and I enjoyed a quite Thanksgiving at home with family. We are looking forward to a fun filled Christmas with Kate, my Mom and her Husband.

The other reality to this situation is enjoying each moment and day a bit more. Taking it all in realizing life is a gift. I thought I was doing that before but this takes it to the next level. When you get diagnosed with what could very well be a life limiting disease you better get with the “program”, as they say.

So if you see my out I might not have on the same makeup but I will have the same bad come over and that’s okay! Cause that means I am getting to enjoy another day, another miracle and another gift of being here.