First MRI results. Is it an avocado or banana?

2017-01-27 12.00.29

January brought another round of chemo, a new Nuero-Oncologist at Downtown Baylor and some promising MRI results. It was a welcome sigh of relief in this tornado of “cancer”. My Avocado which my Dr calls a Banana saw much surprising reduction from the radiation in November, December and my first 6 week round of chemo. The tumor went from a 14 to an 8. (Don’t ask me how that is measured.) They usually see worse results with the first MRI after radiation but being the true over-achiever that I am, that just wasn’t going to work for me. I got muscles, tattoos and stubbornness and its a good thing I have always been “different” to get these results. I will have MRIs every 2 months and one round of chemo a month. My next MRI is March 23.

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