The next step, a hospital stay.


After an uneventful two days of electrodes and cool fanny pack last week my Doctors now recommend they do more intense monitoring of my seizures. So that includes another round of electrodes and 24/7 video monitoring in the hospital for 3-5 days starting May 1. And let’s not forget the hospital gown. Though they did point out they wont be videoing the bathroom, what a relief. 😉 They will also take me off some of my meds (I currently take 4 seizures meds) and watch me flop around like its one of the latest dance moves. I dont mind at this point, finding an answer to them stopping would be life changing. Being home bound and not being able to drive since Oct can change your life. And I have many months to go once they stop.

While I have much longer then 18 months (I hope), life is still precious and short and terminal for all of us. “Really, all I want to do is cuddle with them (my kid and Husband) in bed and tell them how much I love them. The thought that I won’t be here to see her graduate from college or get married makes me so incredibly sad. I can hardly allow myself to think that I will never get to see her grandchildren.” Click Here to read the article.

But then life moves on and the pitty party ends and we find joy in the smallest things.

We can always use donations for medical bills. Click Here.