Unicorn Frappuccino….Truth Bomb!

2017-04-19 16.11.31

2017-04-19 18.46.15 2017-04-19 16.11.31

So I had a Unicorn Frappuccino yesterday and so did my child. Gasp! Why? You ask. I ask you why not?

Why not indulge sometimes? Why not stand in a 30 min line talking to your middle school child, when some days they say nothing at all? Why not, when we drink soda, smoke cigarettes, eat Easter candy, celebrate Holidays and Birthdays with cake and indulge daily in other ways?

So its 3 Snickers bars worth of sugar…that’s not going to matter in the end for any of us. That wont make a dent in my terminal brain cancer now. But having a forever memory with my daughter will make a difference. I will remember this day for the rest of my life and laugh at the joy it brought us. Isn’t that what life’s suppose to be about?

So order the dang Unicorn Frappuccino! Eat the cupcake! Relish in the secrets sometimes your children want to share while only in a Starbucks line!

I cant go back to life before Oct 2, 2016 and change anything. However what happens ahead is completely up to me….and you!
